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User: jennyallen
"Jenny Allen Real Estate"
Sex: female
Location: Riverside, US
Member Since: 12/11/2018
Last Login: 12/11/2018
Profile Views: 1
Clicks: 200 [0 today]

About Me / Comments

Jenny Allen is the best real estate agent in Greenwich who has extensive knowledge about real estate market. She has helped number of clients with her services. Her main goal is to get you the best home that is perfectly suited to your requirements and lifestyle, not just for today but for years to come. She will guide you from beginning to end throughout the process. She is dedicated to working with clients in all price tags and brings the same care and attention to every relationship. She has been the president of the Innis Arden Golf Club 9 Holers for the past three years and has won their club championship four times.



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