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User: donofdons
Sex: male
Location: Chicago, US
Member Since: 27/10/2007
Last Login: 25/03/2008
Profile Views: 2
Clicks: 2043 [0 today]

About Me / Comments

Please listen To My Demo!!!



no friends.


 Post a comment

*  Comment by dynasty

10/11/2007 23:08:56

how come u didnt write me back huh

*  Comment by dynasty

16/11/2007 15:38:33

all 4real im 16 yrs. old

*  Comment by cassandra.marie

21/12/2007 16:25:58

Heyy this is cassie you dont know me but i really dont have like any friends on here haha pathetic i know but im actually do h ave alot of friends so i was just wounderibg if you wanted to talk

*  Comment by omarhbbea

31/12/2007 07:44:33

Happy New Year Baby........... Hello Sexy lady just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Although we are'nt together but I know that our destiny shall join us. Cant wait to see you and feel you live. Please snd me some pictures of your new years party. Happy new year again. Stay intouch more often. Take care and Happy New Year.

*  Comment by starlight0627

09/02/2008 23:58:15

not a bad demo

*  Comment by fairfield

04/03/2008 14:01:38

iya wat u up 2

*  Comment by korey

26/03/2008 14:55:39

come on bich

*  Comment by nccalico

21/04/2008 17:46:11

listen new track .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance .myspace/calicodeadlyalliance

*  Comment by jenny kay

13/06/2008 11:30:50

do you want bo be my friend